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Photo Lars Åsling

"Jazzy hiphop/elektro/free impro modular guitarsynth bonanza!"

- Simon Häger, At Home

Simon Häger is a Gothenburg based guitarist with active projects in genres such as: Jazz, Blues, Elektronica, Lofi-hiphop and Free improvisation. ​




The solo project! 

With the use of a custom made modular synth setup revolving around using the guitar for input, häger is the meeting grounds of the free improvised jazz, the sonic exploration of elektronica and the enticing beats of dance music.

Also in collaboration with:

häger och kråka

Feat. Matilda Andersson - voc

Acoustic free improvisation


Feat. Joel Ring - cello and electronics

Emil Blommé - drums and electronics

Electronic free improvisation

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Jazztronica duo with a touch of fusion. 

Explosive and groovy tunes that make use of classic electro sound-ideals and mix it up with ideas from jazz, hip-hop, rock, artmusic and west african percussion music.

Alpackattack push the natural limits of drums and guitar into the outer space of synthezisers, every song an adventure both in preformance and art.

Simon Häger - guitar and electronics

Oskar Löfberg - drums and electronics

Hela Havet

Quirky and cute jazz elements of free impro.

Hela Havet plays Simon Hägers most delightful and pleasant jazz compositions and stars some of Swedens most profilic and unique young jazz musicians.

Simon Häger - guitar

Henrik Büller - baritone saxophone

Milton Öhrström - piano

Johanna Ekholm - contrabass

Tomas Sandström - drums

Alex Capasso Fulblues

Blues like you have never heard it before.

Alex Capasso Fulblues is blues played in the mindset of freejazz improvisators. The rules and framework of the blues is meticulously dissected and stretched, yet never fully broken. Energetic, vicious and sometimes plain stupid!

Simon Häger - guitar

Alex Capasso - contrabass

Tomas Sandström - drums

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